Home Gospel Songs Bethel Music – Prepare The Way ft Bethany Wohrle, Dante Bowe

Bethel Music – Prepare The Way ft Bethany Wohrle, Dante Bowe


Bethel Music joins forces with Gospel music vocal powerhouse, Bethany Wohrle and Dante Bowe on this tune tagged, Prepare The Way.

Stream and Download this beautifully-composed record named, Prepare The Way, written and performed by American famed musicians, Bethel Music, in which they hires studio appearance of a gifted chanteuses called, Bethany Wohrle and Dante Bowe, who gave a blistering performance on this tune.
It was in the year 2020 that this phenomenal tune was released and it is one of the most favored songs off American’s most-anticipated album tagged, Revival’s In The Air, which bagged a total number of seventeen enchanting euphonies.

Prepare The Way is a groovy soundtrack that will worth a place in your playlist. Bethel Music alongside Bethany Wohrle and Dante Bowe displayed their musical prowess on this number, available here on JustGospel.com.ng for your Download.

[mp3download link=https://files.justgospel.com.ng/2023/03/Bethel_Music_-_Prepare_The_Way.mp3]

[youtube link=//www.youtube.com/embed/uNlUKjlQO-w]

Prepare The Way Lyrics By Bethel Music

Verse 1
We’ve heard the revival stories
Of ancient and old time glory
Spirit of God come do it again
Miracle working power
Moving in signs and wonders
Spirit of God come do it again

Prepare the way, He’s coming through
Ready or not our God’s on the move
We’re gonna see heaven on earth
Come Holy Spirit awaken Your church

Verse 2
God, You’re just getting started
A testimony of more to come
Spirit of God come do it in us
We join in the faith of Heaven
And prophesy your kingdom here on earth
Spirit of God come do it in us

Fire fall, wind come blow
We’re ready for more, ready for more
Break down the walls, push back the doors
We’re ready for more, ready for more