Home Gospel Songs Bethel Revival Choir – Kpe Gbadza (Solid Rock) ft Ps Jennifer Kofi

Bethel Revival Choir – Kpe Gbadza (Solid Rock) ft Ps Jennifer Kofi


Ghanaian gospel singers Bethel Kpe Gbadza (Solid Rock) Choir unlocks this track tagged Kpe Gbadza (Solid Rock) off their magnificent studio project titled Enyo.

Highly rated singers, Ghanaian Christian music makers, Bethel Kpe Gbadza (Solid Rock) Choir dishes out this lovely tune tagged Kpe Gbadza (Solid Rock) off their excellent studio album dubbed Enyo released in the year 2022.
This track captioned “Kpe Gbadza (Solid Rock)” appears as the 10th track off the dazzling Enyo album presented by Bethel Kpe Gbadza (Solid Rock) Choir under their own imprint.

The album Enyo by celebrated Ghanaian Christian singers called Bethel Kpe Gbadza (Solid Rock) Choir is made up of fifteen enormous hit tracks that were carefully written, composed and recorded by Bethel Kpe Gbadza (Solid Rock) Choir.

The project is ascertained to thrill anyone, who hearkens and vibe to the tune. Check it out below, right here on JustGospel Music Website.

[mp3download link=https://files.justgospel.com.ng/2023/04/Bethel_Revival_Choir_-_Kpe_Gbadza_Solid_Rock_.mp3]

[youtube link=//www.youtube.com/embed/6L2t-erlJTM]

Kpe Gbadza (Solid Rock) Lyrics By Bethel Kpe Gbadza (Solid Rock) Choir

Kpe gbadza la dzi ko manɔ
(I will stand on the solid rock)

Kpe gbadza la dzi ko manɔ
(I will stand on the solid rock)

Tsiwo ava dza tsa, ahomwo ava tu
(The rains will come, the storms will rage)
Gake si mele kpe la dzi ….
(But as I stand on that rock)
Nyemavɔ naneke o
(I shall not fear)

Si mele kpe la dzi ….
(As I stand on that rock)
Nyemavɔ naneke o
(I shall not fear)

Yesu woe nye kpe gbadza la
(Jesus you are the solid rock )