Home Gospel Songs Andy Mineo – Family Photo Second Half Idea 2

Andy Mineo – Family Photo Second Half Idea 2


Title: Andy Mineo – “Family Photo Second Half”: A Deep Dive into a Musical Journey

Andy Mineo, the celebrated American Christian rapper and artist, has graced us with another captivating musical creation, “Family Photo Second Half.” In this blog post, we’ll explore the intriguing themes, artistic choices, and the emotional depth that make this track a compelling addition to Andy Mineo’s ever-evolving body of work.

Born on April 17, 1988, in Syracuse, New York, Andy Mineo has always pushed the boundaries of the Christian rap genre. His music, characterized by his honesty and profound storytelling, has struck a chord with listeners worldwide. His artistry often explores themes of faith, personal growth, and family.

“Family Photo Second Half” is more than a song; it’s a chapter in Andy Mineo’s life, a reflection on the importance of family, and a testament to the boundless possibilities of music as a storytelling medium. It invites us to explore our own family narratives and connect with the emotions and experiences that shape our lives. So, dive into the emotional depths of “Family Photo Second Half” and join Andy Mineo on a journey of reflection, growth, and artistry.

[mp3download link=https://files.justgospel.com.ng/2023/10/Andy_Mineo_-_Family-Photo-Second-Half-Idea-2.mp3]

[youtube link=https://youtu.be/_71oLthcQrU]

Andy Mineo Family Photo Second Half Idea 2 Lyrics

We’re gonna dedicate this next song to my father, Joe Mineo, the legend

Look, August 23rd, how could I forget it?
Getting ready in my suite, it’s the morning of my wedding
Invited all my legends, man, it’s set to be epic
And then I got that message, I was dreading
My momma said it, “Andy I don’t think your father gon’ come”
I just laugh, said “Oh well”, and tried to be numb
I learned to stop getting hopes up
As a kid, growing up, that made the letdown easier when he didn’t show up
But, deep down I had this flicker of hope
This one time he pull it together, make a effort, but nope
I’m standing at the altar, he nowhere in sight
How I’m thinking about him now instead of my wife?
Best man, Ray, to my right said, “You’ll be alright
At least you know you’re gonna be smashing tonight”
Then the doors open in the back, wearing all white
This the first day of the rest of our life
Her father by her side while she came down the aisle
She’s was looking all wow, then we exchanged vows
Long-winded self, should’ve passed me a towel
We both said “I do”, we team Mineo now

So, everyone, everyone smile for the family photo
But everyone, everyone ain’t really in the picture
So, everyone, everyone smile for the family photo
But everyone, everyone ain’t really in the picture

Now the ceremony’s done, I know it sound dumb
But I thought he might come ’cause the night was still young
I could’ve filled his space, it’s like a hunnid a plate
I kept two just in case prayin’ he’d show up late
And I wait
I looked Cris in the face and told her nothing’s gonna ruin our day
I hate the fact I still love you
I wish that I could turn you off, take the cord to my heart and just unplug you
Damn, man, you my dad, what I did to ya?
To make you not love me, mean what I should to ya?
Look, I don’t understand, I’d jump off a bridge
I’d take a bullet to the rib before I’d hurt my kid
You know that Mark told me something I won’t never forget
Sounded just like you, that’s why I know it’s legit
He said, “You go to Andy’s football games, but not lacrosse
Why? “You told him you don’t like that sport
Well, do you like me? It’s sad I gotta ask
You either cry or you try to learn to laugh
Look, I figured I’d be past all this hurt by now
But after all this time it’s only worse right now
‘Cause when you bury emotions, you bury them alive
They only come back stronger, somewhere later in your life
And on the honeymoon, I got your text, but I ain’t reply
Said “Congratulations” like, what a guy
At least you tried

So, everyone, everyone smile for the family photo
But everyone, everyone ain’t really in the picture
So, everyone, everyone smile for the family photo
But everyone, everyone ain’t really in the picture

God, grant me the serenity
To accept the things that I cannot change
Courage to change the things that I can
And the wisdom to know the difference
Living one day at a time
Enjoying one moment at a time
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace
Taking, as Jesus did, this sinful world as it is
Not as I would have it
But trusting that You will make all things right
If I surrender to Your Will
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life
And supremely happy with You forever in the next
Amen, Amen