Home Gospel Songs Ada Ehi – Bia Nule

Ada Ehi – Bia Nule


Ada Ehi, a renowned gospel artist from Nigeria, has released a new uplifting record “Bia Nule” for her fans. The song is from her debut studio album “Undenied” released in 2011. The album features nineteen spirit-filled soundtracks, and “Bia Nule” is the tenth track on the album.

Ada Ehi is a multi-talented gospel hit maker, her songs are enjoyed by fans all over the world and this track “Bia Nule” is a must-listen for her fans.

[mp3download link=https://files.justgospel.com.ng/2023/01/Ada_Ehi_-_Bia_Nule.mp3]

[youtube link=//www.youtube.com/embed/DVLHL2t__k0]

Bia Nule Lyrics By Ada Ehi

Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh

Bia nule, bia nule eh onyugbule

Bia nule, bia nule eh onyugbule

When it feels like everyone is perfect

But your pain is running through

Then you say to me get up and go

All of the pains yester years goes away

How come when you say to God

That I will do what you say to do

Oh oh agazi won me ra agazi won me eh bia nu le

Bia nule, bia nule eh onyugbule

Bia nule, bia nule eh onyugbule

Bianule yakwanu yereme onyugbule

I will go where you say to go eh he

I’ll do what you say to do eh he

agazi won me ra agazi won me eh bia nu le

Bia nule, bia nule eh onyugbule

Bia nule, bia nule eh onyugbule

Bianule yakwanu yereme le le le le

Ligi ligi ligi ligi eh ligi eh

E don finish eh

Come that you my unbelievers testify

Come that you my unbelievers testify