Don Moen unlocks this magnificent record tagged Río De Amor, for the listening pleasure of the people in the year 2003.
Don Moen, a versatile gospel musician, has released an exciting tune titled “Río De Amor,” which can be downloaded on This track is part of his 2003 album, “Trono De Gracia,” and is aimed at bringing joy to his precious fans around the world.
The highly acclaimed “Río De Amor” is the third track on the “Trono De Gracia” album, which features twelve fantastic well-composed gospel soundtracks. Don Moen has made significant contributions to the American Christian music industry, and his “Trono De Gracia” album continues to receive massive airplay and digital downloads.
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Río De Amor Letra By Don Moen
Sediento por más de Ti
Más de tu Espíritu y paz
Limpia mi corazón
Y lléname de tu Espíritu hoy
Eres el río de amor
Lleno de misericordia
Llena mi ser
Y mi corazón de paz
Oh río de amor
Oasis en el desierto
Calmas mi sed
Llenas mi ser
Con Tu infinito amor
Sáname y sano seré
Sálvame y salvo seré
Me has dado nueva canción
Por siempre cantaré de tu amor
Todo el que esté sediento
Venga y beba hoy
Del agua de la vida
Y no tendrá sed jamás