The renowned gospel group Hillsong Worship brings forth an amazing track titled “Thirst For You,” which they released in 2002 to the delight of their fans.
This outstanding soundtrack is the eight track of Hillsong Worship’s dazzling studio album “Amazing Love,” which consists of twelve captivating tracks with impressive lyrics and instrumentals.
Hillsong Worship expertly crafted the sound for this well-curated soundtrack, which was well-received by their music audience. “Thirst For You” is another noteworthy track from the album that’s worth listening to.
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Thirst For You Lyrics by Hillsong Worship
The love of the Father
The passion of the Son
The miracle of life that You gave
The grace of forgiveness
The wonder of heaven
The beauty of closeness to You
You gave Your life so that I might live
And You called to me with an open arms
Let make know You more
Let me know Your heart
You are the air that I’m breathing in
I can’t live without You
Life-giving water to my soul
I thirst for You
The gift of Salvation
The promise of heaven
Living forever with You