Home Gospel Songs Michael W. Smith – Let It Rain (Open The Flood Gates)

Michael W. Smith – Let It Rain (Open The Flood Gates)


Let It Rain is the tenth song for Michael W. Smith’s 2001 already released album titled, Worship.

This is another carefully selected soundtrack as stage name American music maker Michael W. Smith delivers in this his Let It Rain soundtrack. Listen to this song and share it with other music.
Michael W. Smith’s groundbreaking album Worship produced this song here as a #1 hit that his fans will love to hear.

Michael W. Smith is a well-known figure in the gospel music sector of American who uses his music to win many souls for Christ. The Let It Rain is another tone for having fun and feeling good.

[mp3download link=https://files.justgospel.com.ng/2023/01/Michael_W_Smith_-_Let_It_Rain.mp3]

[youtube link=//www.youtube.com/embed/AG7v8jJKAOk]

Michael W. Smith Let It Rain Open The Flood Gates Lyrics

Let it rain, let it rain.
Open the floodgates of Heaven
Let it rain, let it rain.

Open the floodgates of Heaven
Singing out
Let it rain, let it rain.
Open the floodgates of Heaven
Let it rain, let it rain.
Open the floodgates of Heaven
Come on
Let it rain, let it rain.
Open the floodgates of Heaven
Let it rain, let it rain.

Open the floodgates of Heaven

Let it rain, let it rain.

Open the floodgates of Heaven
Let it rain, let it rain.
Open the floodgates of Heaven
Let it rain, let it rain.
Open the floodgates of Heaven
Let it rain, let it rain.
Open the floodgates of Heaven
Let it rain, let it rain.
Open the floodgates of Heaven

The Lord reigns
Let the earth be glad
Let the distance shores rejoice
Clouds and thick darkness surround him
Righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne
A fire goes before him and consumes his foes on every side
His lightning lights up the world
The earth sees and trembles
The mountains melt like wax before the Lord
Before the Lord of all the earth
The Heavens proclaim His righteousness
And all peoples will see His Glory
We want to see Your Glory, God!
Oh God you want to see your Glory
Do you want to see His Glory?
Lift your voices, lift your hands!
We want to see your Glory God

Let it rain, let it rain.
Open the floodgates of Heaven
Let it rain, let it rain.
Open the floodgates of Heaven
Let it rain, let it rain.
Open the floodgates of Heaven
Let it rain, let it rain.
Open the floodgates of Heaven
Let it rain, let it rain.
Open the floodgates of Heaven
Let it rain, let it rain.
Open the floodgates of Heaven
Let it rain, let it rain.
Open the floodgates of Heaven
Let it rain, let it rain.